Thursday, February 25, 2010


If there was one thing I know I'm an expert at, it would be making friends. I never truly realized this until this past two to three years when a couple of people pointed this out and my experiences here in Germany.

If I remember correctly, it was the 4th of July in 2008 right before graduation when my Grandfather in St. Louis pointed this out to me. He is a man of few words and never truly gave much in depth advices to his grandsons but this night was quite different. He pointed out my talent in which he thought I should truly harness and take advantage of whether used to get jobs, information or simply to make "friends". I'll never forget what he said, "It might take you a while to find jobs but your break will come out of it somehow and you'll never get bored". He also jokingly added "Plus, you're not too good in math, so take advantage!". There's also a good friend of mine in Mr. Schwarz, who pointed this out to me right before I left St. Louis in July 2009. He once said, "Andrew, you are the people's man, you connect them, use it and you will go far and wide".

And this reason, the easiness of making "friends" is also why it is so easy for me to drop those who I no longer trust or who have gone behind my back. It is quite frustrating to invest time and energy on people you bring into your circle, those who you help for nothing in return but ends up throwing a slap to the face. There's always one or two, or four in a bunch you just won't have interest in anymore.

But that's what its all about isn't it? Its a constant cycle with hope that you find those that you can truly call your best friends. Those you'd want to be involved in the important things in your life. So go on, buy that person sitting alone a pint...

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